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chapon of Carter Laguna V6 ( english )

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chapon of Carter Laguna V6 ( english )

Messagepar nervio68 » Lun Juil 24, 2006 16:38

Some I place "chapon" of Carter in his v6?

in case they do not understand me by the translation I am sticking a photo, the question is that in the microfiche they appear two models of chapon for v6 and two of the lateral plastics. Chapon that I have bought to not agrees me with the plastics of mi laguna ( B56V) ,
The chapon touches the escape and I do not have holes under the radiator where to screw it. for that reason if somebody already did it understand of which I speak.
Exist two models of chapon or plastics for b56v ?
What is the simbol "croos " in the microfiche alongside the part number ?
What is the other two parts ?
help me ¡
Thaks in advance .

V6 24V
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Messagepar Touratour » Lun Juil 24, 2006 17:30


I don't know what the cross means, maybe some people here can tell us. (My opinion is that the piece is not used anymore, but I'm not sure).
If your car is B56V, the "chapon" you should have is piece # 88 00 022 399, according to this document.
The pieces called "plastics" have 2 different references but can be used both on B56V.
The following is the translation in french and more questions about the other parts:

En français :

Je ne sais pas ce que signifie la croix, mais peut être quelqu'un ici pourra nous répondre. (Peut être ça veut dire que la pièce n'est plus utilisée, pas sur).
Si ta voiture est une B56V, le "chapon" que tu devrais avoir est la pièce n° 88 00 022 399, d'après ce document.
Les pièces dénommées "plastics" ont 2 références différentes mais peuvent être utilisées toutes les 2 sur une B56V.

Aux utilisateurs de Dialogys : pouvez-vous nous indiquer le libellé de ces pièces :
82 00 022 399
77 00 428 147
77 00 428 148
77 00 823 155
77 00 825 965
Merci !

EDIT : mise en évidence d'une question aux membres du forum
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