Don't worry, you didn't miss any ads about the Laguna 1 BiTurbo. In fact, it's an archetype built by Hartge. By the way, you can recognize it with its specifics front and rear spoilers!
In the early 90's, Renault asked Hartge to build a "supercharged" Laguna to compete the BMW M3.
Few "270ch V6 Biturbo Laguna" were producted by Hartge.
But, as the project fell down, Renault removed the V6 Biturbo engine by a classical V6 24S and, we suppose, the firm sold the cars to collaborators.
Our friend bruno69 bought one of them.
Here, he explains how he found a V6 BiTurbo engine from a Safrane to put up it in his Laguna.
We found this episode of the Renault Laguna history incredible too !