hope that the Englis language will not be a problem

My name is Jiri, located in south east part of Czech Republic. I am 30yrs old. I am working as a technical consultant for construction sites for the company, which produce sandwich panels and sofisticated facade system for premium objects - 99% industrial objects.
I woudl like to present some of my car park:
- Renault Laguna III, ph1, 2,0T INITIALE with actually 205 000km. With my friend, we implemented Rlink into this one, implementation of BOSE will come in few weeks
- Renault Avantime 3,0V6 Noir Nocturne
- Renault Avantime 3,0V6 Illiade Bleu
- Renault Safrane phII 3,0V6 - remodelled into manual gearbox, added air suspension, rear electric seats and biturbo body parts - door sills and bumpers
also we have Renault Master (2,5dci 2008 and 2,3dci 2015). My "career" with Renautl cars started, when I was young and my father bought in that times brand new Laguna RXE 2,0 83kw in 1997. It was like a different dimension, comfort, equipement, voice syntethsier ... my first car which i bought personally was the cheapest reasonable solution (FIAT Tempra). Bought on my own, without any funds from others, after cca 2 years, i was willing to buy Safrane or Some better equiped Laguna I phII. Finally it turned out into Vel Satis, which I held for about 7 years. When I sold my Vel Satis in 2016, I found out, that there might be a chance to get some "interesting" car and accidentally I bought one Avantime. Then after few years, I bought Second Avantime to save it from the scrab yard.
But still I was thinking how to give the access to the road to my girlfriend, which is worry to drive an Avantime. I was searching for some Laguna II 1,8 16v with BVA, but finally, for 1500€(cheaper than nice Laguna II with some service done), I found my Laguna, in that times - new brake pads and discs (discs just on the front), new absorbers (unfortunately not orignal) regular service done, UNFORTUNATELY LPG (GPL) inside. The price was so low, because they screwed up the hand brake, while changing rear pads in the last service, the same service broke the handle for opening of the hood, the same service was not able to resolve some GPL issues. I got second set of tires, and I drove home with Laguna 2008, 194xxx km on the dash, fully equiped (withotu extra payments for the panoramatic roof, better audio and GPS, but still, considering the investment as really reasonable). Car was owned by Renault Leasing service CZ, then transfered to the same company whihc leased the car, from the company they transfered to the director of the company who was driving it all the time. then 2016 was sold to the previous owner, which inbuilt the GPL.
Literally - 2 previous owners.
Unfortunately it is just ph1 (the front end is not so photogenic), but still is fine, I do not have any recent photos, just those, when I brought the car home and those, from Rlink inbuilt process (just interior).
what have I done to improve is:
- all the needed service as requested
- new original spark plugs
- new oil in the transmission with extra cleaning (totally 16L of oil was used)
- soundproofing of door panels with butyl plates + acoustic materials inside of the door trim
- Rlink implementation (connected directly acc. to original Renault wirign diagrams), but original radio cover still missing - difficult to find here
- Bose implementation comming soon
and of course continuous service and improvements of small details