Pour info, Amazon tient sa parole quand il dit qu'il rembourse le trop perçu des frais d'import payés à l'avance.
Amazon a écrit:If the actual Import Fees are less than the Import Fees Deposit collected by us on your behalf, you'll automatically be refunded the difference to the payment method you used for the order. You'll receive a notification e-mail confirming the amount of the refund. The process takes 60 days from the shipment date.
La preuve avec l'email reçu aujourd'hui:
Amazon a écrit:Dear Customer,
Greetings from Amazon.co.uk.
We are writing to confirm that we are processing your refund in the amount of £2.85 for your Order XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX.
This amount has been credited to your payment method and will appear when your bank has processed it.
This refund is for the following item(s):
Item: KÖNIG | THULE K-SUMMIT K44 Snow chains - set of 2
Quantity: 2
Reason for refund: Export fee reduced
Bon ok le montant est ridicule (en même temps il n'y avait que £26.62 de taxe d'import, sur £273.26), mais sur le principe ça donne confiance.